The Annual Paro Tsechu began on 17th March, 2019 coinciding with the 11th day of the 2nd Bhutansese Lunar month and ended on 21st March coinciding with the 15th Day of the 2nd Bhutanese Lunar month.
The Paro Tsechu is known far and wide for its sacredness. It is one of the most popular events for the Parops and a source of major attraction for both locals and foreigners alike.

The first day of the Tsechu, the NangCham was held inside the courtyard of the Rinpung Dzong where the most sacred of treasures, the Cymbal retrieved from Nub Tsho Na Patra by Terton Sherab Membar was used for the mask dances and kept on display for the day for people to receive blessings. It is said that hearing the sound of the clanging Cymbal rids oneself of accumulated sins and negative energies. The first day saw a record number of people.

Apart from the treasure Cymbal, the sacred Zhana-Nga-Chham, other masked dances by the monks and, Zhungdra and Boedra dances by the Dzongkhag dancers were the highlights of the first day.

The 2nd day of the Tsechu was held outside the Rinpung Dzong at Deyangkha ground. The highlights of the day was Shaw-Sha Chi and Nga-ging chham.

The 3rd day saw the Gyen-Druk-Pawo Chham and Pholay Molay opera as the main attractions for both locals and the tourists.
On the 4th day of the Tsechu, people and tourists alike flocked to receive blessings from Shinje-Choeki-Gyalpo. The other attractions were the Druk Wangyal Chham episode 1, 2, 3 by RBG personnels. The Druk Wangyal Chham is the brainchild of her Majesty the Royal Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck. The Chham episode depicts the soldiers getting ready to go for war and emerging victorious after the war.

The last day of the Tsechu as expected each year draws a record number of people.both local and tourists in the wee hours of the morning, as the Thongdrel Chhenmo of Guru Rinpoche is unfurled. The sacredness of the Thongdrel is known by people far and wide. To view and receive blessings from the Thongdrel Chenmo is one of the most important aspects for the Parops and people of Bhutan as a whole. It is associated with getting rid of one's accumulated sins of body, speech and mind and an escape from being born in the lower 3 realms (animal, hungry ghosts and hell).
People from all over Bhutan try to make it on the last day to receive blessings from both the Thongdrel Chhenmo and the Guru Tshen Gyed Chham, the eight manifestations of Guru Rinpoche.
The Annual Paro Tsechu is also an event for families and friends to get together in their best attires, to eat delicious home-cooked food, share laughter's and create beautiful memories with loved ones.
As is the custom and tradition, the informal start of Paro Tsechu began at Dzongdrakha Lhakhang, Lungnyi Gewog on the 10th day of the 2nd Bhutanese Lunar month, 16th March, 2019 and ended on 22nd March, 16th day of the 2nd Bhutanese Lunar month.
The Annual Paro Tsechu was a successful event because of the collaboration of Dzongkhag Administration and the Rinpung Rabdey.