Name of the School/Institute: Issuna PS
Year of Establishment: 2000
Total Land area: 9.01 acres
Classes/ Courses Offered: PP-VI
Total Students: 39
- Male :24
- Female :15
Total Teachers: 05
- Male :03
- Female :02
Support Staff: 02
- Male: 0
- Female:2
Infrastructure and Facilities
- Adm block cum classes 3 blocks with 3 units
- Principal quarter 1
- Staff quarter old 1
- Toilets 3 blocks with 2 units each
Brief Background on the Institute:
The school was established in the year 2000 and named it as Issuna PS. It was established because there was no school for the community nearby. It is about 45 minutes walk from the road point. Since then the school was established the community was benefited a lot.
The school got new 2 units toilets in the year 2014 only and principal quarter in 2013. The adm. blocks are very old and do not have place for the student to engage in play like games.