The 6th DT meeting was held on 19th July, 2019 at the Dzongkhag DT hall. Gups and Mangmi’s of 10 gewogs were present for deliberation and resolution of issues.

Dasho Dzongrab, Dasho S.P and O.C, RBP, Regional Heads and Sectoral Heads were present during the meeting as observers, also to clarify issues related to respective fields and to report on the various orders from Ministries, budget outlay and other relevant information.
The Finance Minister and the Member of Parliament, Lamgong-Wangchang constituency were also present as observers.
The DT started with Zhugdrel Phuensum and Marchang offering. Thrizin welcomed all to the 6th DT meeting and gave an opening speech wherein he stated the importance of coming together of all relevant stakeholders to work as a team in order to address problems and to come up with creative solutions. This would lead to a happy Paro Dzongkhag which would ultimately lead to achievement of Gross National Happiness, he added.

On behalf of all prayers were offered for the Long Life of His Majesty the King and the continuity of Wangchuck Dynasty.
Thrizin briefly presented information on important issues (road widening, farm machineries, sokshing, Livestock, etc.,) of the previous DT session.
The DT members deliberated issues pertaining to Culture, Livestock, RSTA, Financial Institutions, Department of Roads, Election, Health and other miscellaneous issues.
The Planning Officer and Budget Officer presented the planned activities and the budget outlay 2019-2020 respectively.
The day long DT came to an end with Zhabtoen offering to His Majesty.